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Welcome to the Plant Kingdom! If you look around you right now I'll bet you can name a few plants you see. Are you eating them? Looking at them? Are you wearing them? Plants are all around us and we need them in our environment. To learn more, click on Task to the left.


Have fun!

Your task for exploring the Plant Kingdom

Your task is to go through this web quest independently at home in order to help you review for the PSSAs. We have covered all of this information in class through our readings, projects and experiments. Now it's time for you to review the facts.


  • As you go through, you will read each lesson, completing each activity or viewing each video given.

  • After you complete the assignment you will print it out. Each one of you has a folder to keep these papers in. 

  • You will hand your folder in on the first day of the Science PSSAs.

  • This gives you a couple of weeks to complete everything but do not wait until the last minute!


Now you will move on to the Process. Click the link to the left for a list of the lessons and activities. As you're going through it, if you have any questions, email me at

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